Sunday 17 June 2012

Going the Food Way...

There are two things I love best about life: Food and People.

Talking about Food : I love to shop for it, cook it, serve it to people, enjoy it with people and take pictures of it. For as long as I can remember, food has been a big part of my life!

I grew up in a Gujarati Family, which says it all about my association with food. Being a Gujarati by Mother tongue, but a Mumbaikar by Heart, food has always been my first love.From having my home style Khaman Dhokla to Thepla to amcha Vada Pav to the finest cuisines of the world, to the yummy mouth watering Desserts I just love to eat all.

Taking my love for food to a next level, I graduated from one of the finest Hotel Management Schools in the world, learnt about many cuisines and cooked  a variety of food. I just love experimenting different cuisines, or lets just say, wanna need somebody to try any food, I am the one to contact :p (P.S : Strictly vegetarian though). I just love to cook different dishes, rather experiment, serve them and enjoy it with fellow people.

A lot of fun is gonna happen on this blog, stay tuned to keep yourself hungry.

That's it for now, stay happy stay hungry!!

Happy Eating.. :)

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